Solo Traveling and other random thoughts

As I start this new adventure, I kept thinking how much I have missed traveling solo. The idea of this post came to me as I was waiting at the Frankfurt airport for the flight that would take me to Madrid. I want to tell you 3 reasons why I love solo traveling and 10 recommendations to consider as you embark on your first solo trip.

Here are my TOP 3 REASONS why I love to travel solo.

1. I have time to reflect and center myself – when I am home I work too many hours, that is a story for another blog, so I don’t have a lot of time to think about what I want to do, no time to blog or journal. Traveling gives me the space to just be and do nothing… or everything. you get the idea.

2. I do what I want, when I want to and I am unencumbered by other peoples schedules. TodayI was tired after 3 days of a lot of walking, so I am taking it slow. I am sitting at a cafe, sipping coffee with a book and my blog. 🙂

3. You meet lots of new people. Don’t think that because you are traveling on your own you are lonely. Nope! I talk to everyone. I ask questions if I am taking a tour, visiting a new place etc. I just met a very nice lady from Seattle that saw my Rick Steve’s book and asked me if I had taken his tours. She is also traveling on her own. 🙂 sometimes, I might ask another fellow solo traveler to join me for coffee if I see them sitting by themselves. Many interesting conversations.

I believe Solo traveling is an experience everyone should have, at least 1x. To be transparent, it does present some challenges. For example, if there is an issue like cancelled train reservations, or you don’t speak the language, it’s you who has to solve the problem. You don’t have that “other” person to help you. I guess that could be reason #4 to travel alone… it makes you practice your problem-solving skills (thank you Intel) and helps you use your intuition to make the right choice.

If you decide to travel by yourself, I have some recommendations for you:

1. DO some research of the country you are visiting. Understand COVID protocols and requirements BEFORE you leave home.

2. Make hotel reservations for at least the first night. You want to minimize the stress of arriving at a new country and trying to figure out where you are going to sleep.

3. Have a rough idea of what you want to do. I do not plan out all my days but the key must do’s, I book in advance.

4. Get travel insurance. This is a non-negotiable! Make sure it covers cancelled flights, tours, medical emergencies and death overseas. You don’t want to put that burden $ on your loved ones.

5. Make a copy of your key documents ie: passport, CC, etc. Leave a copy with a trusted friend, family member at home and bring a copy with you.

6. Turn on your phone location and share with your kids so they don’t worry! 😂 love you Nani and Bibo ❤️😘

7. Use common sense and intuition when traveling. If a situation does not feel comfortable, don’t do it. My main rule, I won’t do anything that I would not do at home. For example, you won’t see me strolling the streets of Beaverton alone at midnight… why would I do that in a foreign country where I do not know anyone? 🙄 common sense people!

8. Be curious about the country you are visiting. Try their food, learn about their culture. Immerse yourself in their customs. Here in Spain in some places, they rest between 2-5pm. I have embraced that custom 😜 and I am enjoying taking a 1 hr nap almost every day.

9.Bring a journal and take lots of pictures. The reason I write this blog is so I have a record of my adventures.

10. Lastly, Have fun and enjoy the experience. This list of recommendations applies if you travel solo or with someone else too.

I encourage you to be bold and go at least once on a solo trip. You won’t regret it! You don’t have to go overseas to enjoy the benefits of solo traveling. A trip to the beach by yourself, or to another town will suffice. I will love to hear of your experiences and maybe we can add more reasons/recommendations to these lists.

Bye for now. I’m on my 2nd cup of coffee on what I expect will be a very relaxed day.

Much love, Ana 🌹

8 Replies to “Solo Traveling and other random thoughts”

  1. That’s a whole new perspective for me. I had never phantom the idea of traveling by myself to another country. Maybe… I think I still rather go with you.🤔😁


  2. Ana, my other sister from another mother ☺️

    This blog is beautifully written and I love reading about your traveling adventures! With our kids done with school and living their lives, all these great ideas and tips for traveling will come extremely helpful to Ruben & I as we are starting to plan little & big adventures together ❤️🥰 And who knows, one of those adventures may be with you in Puerto Rico one day; you can be our guide 😉

    I look forward to your next blog, love you!


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