Paris Historic Walk Part 2 and other randomness

September 15 and 16, 2016- Paris Day 5 and 1/2 of the other 🙂

My babies left early today for the airport to catch the plane. Their next stop is Puerto Rico. I will meet them again back home in about 1 week. I miss their annoying little selves!! 😦  

So Thursday I took it slow. We have been running around for over 10 days so it was nice to have some downtime. I went back to Ile de St. Louis to finish the Paris walk on Rick Steve’s book. But first I needed food! 

I stopped at this cute restaurant and spent 2 hrs there. I had the best French.onion soup there and then had one.of their.famous ice creams. I had my book with me so the waiter was happy to let me just sit, read and people watch. 

Pistachio! Omg the best ice cream.

Next was Ste. Chapelle. We missed it last time we were in Ile St. Louis. It was worth the time. The stained glass windows are beautiful and the dome is made out of wood. Gorgeous.<3 I don’t pics do it justice since the day was cloudy and not much light was.coming thru the windows. 

Downstairs in Ste. Chapelle. Just wait!
Pano of the inside of the church. I need to practice my pano skills.. 😦
I love visiting churches!

After Ste.Chapelle, I went to Place St. Michel. It is a very nice Place, lots.of.people and restaurants everywhere. From there I randomly walked.around the Latin quarter. On my walk I stumbled upon a few other churches, small and very cute. 

Church St. Severin
Marriage bans at St. Severin. I know they did this but never seen it!

Church St. Julien de Pauvre. All wood!
I found this on my walk. You can rent a bike by the hour. Cash or credit accepted and you return it to any location that they have. Also, in Paris.the bikers have their own lane on the sidewalk. So when you are walking you need to watch for the crazy drivers, the mopeds AND the bikes. BTW, if you have been in Paris have you noticed how the bus lane is used by the buses AND the taxis and UBER drivers too? 

Would it be cash or credit?

Next day it was time to leave Paris. I was taking the train to Bruges to.spend the weekend in this magical medieval town. I took the train from the Paris Nord station. One interesting and a bit scary thing happened.on the way to the train station. My UBER driver – who drove like a maniac – got in a fender bender. And him and the other driver got out of the cars and.started arguing. It is a bit unnerving when you don’t understand what they are saying and the guys were getting agitated. I was ready to run if needed! Lol. But i made it to the station fine and took the high speed train to Brussels and then Bruges. 

I will be in Bruges for the weekend. It is a beautiful city! Until next post! Love, Ana ❤

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